Saturday, February 10, 2007

The start of much pain! 10/02/07

Picked up my new tub a couple of days ago ... and so the fun finally begins. I've been contemplating which tub to go for for a while now as all of them need work (original TR 1950's/60's tubs are a bit thin on the ground in the UK), so I think I managed to get the tub that needs the most work, or requires the most complex solution.

The Mrs was again suprised as to what I spend my money on, but £ for £, I reckon it will be alright this time.

So ..... as the floor is shot and bits of the wheel arches are missing, I'll cut and disgard what I don't need and can't use. Then, cut the back off the current car, & in reverse use the good bits on the back end I've just removed to replace the crap bits on the new back end. By the end of this, I should have a solid back end that can then be shot blasted and then re-attached to the car. With a bit of re-work here and there, it should look good, and of course by using an original rear end, the car still remains authentic. Sort of!


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